(Nice facial expression)
So we made it to 30 weeks!!!!!! I've been here at the hospital for two and a half weeks and it really hasn't been that bad. I've had lots of visitors(thank you all) and wonderful husband who is here as much as he possibly can be. I have great nurses that are really nice, some are a little odd or really by the book which is a little annoying, but for the most part they are great. the babies are doing great. They move like crazy now and it's so funny, because Brody tries so hard to kick off the heart rate monitor and the contraction monitor whenever they are on. Brooklyn doesn't have very much room to move, but she tries. Yesterday at when the doc did the sono she weighed in at 4lbs and Brody at 3.2lbs. I was a little worried that he was so small, but the doc said that he is normal and she is a little fatty. So cute!!!!! Last time they told me their weight she was 3lbs and he was almost 3lbs and that was 2 weeks ago, so I'm hoping that they only grow about 3 more lbs or I'm going to have one HUGE belly. As boring as it is up here I'm so happy that my cervix still measures the same, it hasn't gotten any shorter, and my contractions are minimal. I'm also happy that even though I'm eating three well rounded meals a day I haven't gained any weight while on bed rest, but it's probably because I'm losing muscle, but it is what it is. Last week a couple of my friends came up for a girls night and we played games and made a count down chain, so I get to tear one off a day until hopefully 36 weeks and then the babies will be here. If you don't mind keep us in your prayers so these babies come out healthy and happy.
2 years ago
We pray for you and those babies every night! Keep em' cozy!
So glad you and babies are doing well. I'm sorry I haven't made it by to see you. Send me a message with what room # you're in. I'll try to swing by tomorrow after my doctor appointment. =) You look great and it's so nice hearing about your little cuties!
So glad to hear everything is going okay! hope you last 6 more weeks! cant wait to see those beautiful babies!!
I'm sure these babies will come out just perfect at 36 weeks and be all fabulous in their chunkiness. Can't wait.
You are adorable. Love it! How is there two babes in that small belly of yours, you look great. I look like that with just one.......glad you get a new view.
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