Not everybody that I blog with is a friend on facebook as well, manly because I don't really facebook a ton and for that matter I don't really blog a whole lot either. Anyways, last Wednesday I went to the Doctor for a check up and a sono. We did the sono first, and everything was looking good, the babies are growing good, nothing looked abnormal and they were weighing in pretty close to 3 pounds each. This was my 28 weeks appointment, so in my eyes things were great. The tech needed to get one more measurement, and that was of my cervix, which she was having a hard time doing, so she did the internal sono. I thought nothing of it, since this is my first pregnancy and all I thought that this was normal. She didn't really say a whole lot just that we'd have to see what the doctor had to say. Justin was teasing me and telling me that I would love bed rest because all I do is lay around and do nothing. Whatever!!! So the doctor came in and Justin was correct he was putting me on bed rest. My cervix had shortened and I was apparently having contractions. So since we didn't want the babies to come early he told me that I was going on bed rest. I looked at Justin and gave him an evil eye, but then that's when the doctor dropped the bomb on me, he said ok so I'm going to call upstairs and have them get a room ready for you. WHAT!!!!! Yep that's right folks, he but me on bed rest at the hospital for the remainder of my pregnancy, at least 6 weeks. I almost started crying right then and there not because there was a possibility that I might go into labor, but I was going to be stuck at the hospital and I didn't get to do my favorite thanksgiving tradition, black Friday shopping. I didn't worry about the babies, because for some reason I don't have a fear of them coming to early, it's weird, so hopefully I'm right about this, but I know that the doctor caught this in time that me and babies will be safe. The first night I was having some contractions so they put me on some medicine to stop them, and the next morning me cervix hadn't changed so that was a good sign. To me though all I could think about is that they got my contractions to stop, they put me on a pump of medicine so I can take it home, so why can't I be on bed rest at home?????? I'm still having a really hard time with that, but I know that here if anything happens I'm here and hopefully they can get it under control. The babies are moving a ton more and it's so funny to watch my belly contort and pop when they kick. We've come to realization that their names are going to be Brody and Brooklyn, and know I tend to call them that and it's fun. Brody is not a fan of the heart rate monitor that they put on my belly twice a day and tries to kick it off the whole time he is on it. He has even been know to roll over so that we have to hold the sensor a certain way and angle so that we can get this heart beat. Thank you to all the people who have had time to come up and say hello, and bring us food. Justin teased me about being on bed rest, but he's on it too because all he can do is come up here and sit with me at night, which is hard for him because he doesn't like to sit still. He has had to do my laundry and bring me supplies from home whenever he gets a chance, while he is running around trying to get Christmas lights up and bids and get over a cold, poor guy. I think that there is a reason women are meant to housewife's!!!!! He is doing a great job and I couldn't thank him enough. I'll post more pictures on the next update with some of the projects I'm doing and a picture of my big fat belly.
2 years ago
I am horrible, I need to stop by and see you!! My sister-in-law had a baby which you would think would make it so easy to come see you since I was at the hospital but things were crazy and I spaced it. When is a good time for you??
Hang in there Emma! I'm so excited for you - not the bed rest part - the babies part:) Your names are so cute. I think we finally decided on ours last night...we're keeping it on the DL though for now! Lots of love and prayers from Canada for you guys!! First of all I'm SO SO SO excited for you and Justin. And those names are SO cute especially together! That really stinks about the bedrest, in the hospital. Ugh! I hope you don't get too ansy and bored. Just do lots of projects and internet shopping!!! We'll be praying for ya that those babies get good and chunky before they come out!!
WHAT!? You seriously haven't left the hospital since we saw you Wednesday?! Crazy! It will be worth it to have healthy babies! I love the names! Keep those cuties in there as long as possible! 34 weeks seems too early!
This could actually be a good thing... it is REALLY hard to obey the bedrest rules at home. I didn't and my baby was born at 29 weeks, less than a week into my bedrest. Keep thinking, "it's for the babies", and good luck!
PS. I love the names... especially Brooklyn. :)
You can do it Emma! Trust me, keep those babies in as long as possible. The NICU is no fun at all! I wish I could come hang out with you to help pass the time however I think the whole entourage of us would be more tiring than anything. Love ya!
Emma, You can do it just have Justin bring that video of me and watch that over and over then maybe that might cheer you up and not think about you being in the hospital on bedrest. We love you both good luck and it will be all worth it.
Holy Suck! So sorry, let me know if you need anything, either before or after the babies come, I'll catch the next flight and pop on down.
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