Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Water Boys!!!

Justin in his element. The water!!!! This is what he does all summer long. In the winter, he hot tubs. The beginning of November, right before Christmas light season, our neighbor came over and said that he thought our sprinklers were broken again because he had a lot of still standing water in his yard. The good news was the sprinklers weren't broken, but the hot tub was empty. Rats chewed through the tubes and now he had to crawl under the hot tub and find the leak. It's only been 3 months and he finally fixed the hot tubs. He now has been pacing back and forth for it warm up. Hot tub season is almost over, so we will have to enjoy it while we can. Party at our house.


Amy Pennington said...

i am on my way over;) your house is always the party pad!

Raven said...

I wanna come to the party!

Oh wait! I forgot that I live in New England. It's so cold here that I don't even want to think about getting in any kind of water in a swimsuit!

Anonymous said...

sounds like fun to me. When can we party? Oh are you still thinking of GNO at your house? Let me know k