Monday, September 12, 2011

Helmet Hair!!!

So since brody was a premie he had a very soft head, so when he favored one side of his head, he got a flat spot. So he now rocks a helmet. It's very cute and he looks adorable in it, don't get me wrong, sometimes I wanna cry because i just want to cuddle my baby, but with that thing on it's a little hard, but Brody pulls it off and that's why I love my little man. He is such a fun happy little boy. If you are ever having a bad day just come visit he will give you a big ole smile that will light up your day. He really has done great with the helmet, he doesn't mind wearing it at all, he cut two teeth when we first got it, but even then he really didn't fuss to bad.
Right before he's world got rocked!!!
On the sit and spin to measure his head to get his helmet.
Getting ready for the sit and spin.
His white helmet, old and boring.
The new and improved Brody!!!! Love this kid, Go Romo!!!!