Thursday, July 30, 2009

Mr. Personality

My nephew Dylan has gotten quite the personality lately. He cracks me up.
This is him at Chuck E Cheese drinking his drink, after showing him the picture of what he look like drinking he thought it was pretty funny.

I was laughing so hard at him doing this to his mom. I love it when she tried to let him kiss her check, for fear of him biting her lips, and he was like no way where's your lips.

He has his eye on something..............

Yep that's right his eyes glaze over when the tools come out. He loves to play with tools and he knows what to do with them too. He will take the screw driver and look for a screw or something under a chair and start turning it like he is fixing it.

He is quite that little boater. If you look closely you can see that his cute hat is a dog and his little ears stick up. Isn't that so cute!!! He loves to walk around and touch all the buttons, when we put him out on the tub, it puts him to sleep...................

Just like his father.


Mary said...

So cute. Honestly little kids make me laugh.

mandy said...

He is such a cute kid! It's been too long since I've seen him!

Josh and Allayna McCann said...

Emma!! Oh my gosh, how long has it been since Ive seen you! You look great and have such a cute family! Im glad you found me. Hope everythings well with ya- xoxo